
How to structure content for Ter.

#Index pages

Ter recursively recreates the source file system on the rendered site and each directory gets an index file listing its content. For example, if the source looks like this:

└── life

... the life directory will get an life/index.html page with an index of its content.

If a directory contains an file, its content will be injected into the rendered index.html above the index list. This can be useful for describing what the directory content is about or calling out individual pages.

Items in the index are sorted in the following order:

  1. files with pinned: true in the frontmatter are listed at the top;
  2. directories (child index pages);
  3. rest of markdown files, sorted by date.

#Markdown frontmatter

Ter extracts YAML frontmatter delimited by --- from markdown files. Here’s an example:

title: My page
description: Here’s my description
date: 2022-01-29
  - myTag
  - otherTag
property: value

## My content

Some properties are utilized when building a site. All of them are optional.

Property Default Description
title Page title
description Page description
tags Page tags
date Page publish date in YYYY-MM-DD format
dateUpdated Page last update date in YYYY-MM-DD format
pinned false Page is listed at the top of index lists
unlisted false Page is excluded from all index lists
draft false File is ignored during site generation
layout "list" Layout of the index list; can be list, log or grid
toc false Show table of contents
showHeader true Show page header with title, description, date and tags

#Ignoring files

Any files and folders that start with an _ or . (hidden) are ignored. For example, if there is a _drafts folder in the content directory, it will be skipped during site generation.

In addition, any markdown file with draft: true in the frontmatter will be ignored. To render files with draft: true, pass --drafts flag to the main command. For example:

deno run -A --serve --drafts

Ter automatically finds non-working internal links and lets you know about them after building a site. Here's an example output:

Dead links:
/overview -> /non-existent-page-name
/overview -> /some-dead-link